Energy Markets


Energy costs impact your bottom line every day, in how you power your operations and how you transport goods through the supply chain. IEG monitors all aspects of energy markets and presents a current digest in chart form and curated articles for those who want a deeper dive into market information. Fluctuations in demand, technological innovation, consumer behavior and government policy all pressure these markets in the near and far term. We understand the markets historically and seek to bring clarity to future market trends, no matter what the headlines. If you are concerned about energy acquisition and consumption, rest assured our expertise can help you throughout this unprecedented time. Contact us for a free energy audit today.

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The Week in Energy Markets | 7 October 2023


Hedging, Risk Management & Derivatives

Crude Oil

Refined Products & Biofuels

Natural Gas & LNG

Natural Gas Liquids & Petrochemicals

Coal, Emissions, Power, Renewables & Weather


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 Energy is a top-three cost center in our business. It’s prudent to have professionals with expertise as your partner to ensure you’re optimizing the management of your utility portfolio and to manage energy procurement decisions.

- Steve Kinney, Armada Supply Solutions

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